Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A Nashville Legend Passes

Sideways House photo by Eartha KitschUsually, people fall asleep listening to stories about other people's pets. But, then again, not that many pet credentials include 'National Recording Artist'. BB really was a session musician. His work can be heard on Tom Mason's Where Shadows Fall & the upcoming Joe Nolan album Blue Turns Black. I dog-shit you not.

Unfortunately, his last work will be released posthumously. Yesterday, we had to have him put down. He was a great friend over the last 12 years. He loved being buried in leaves & snow, having a shop-vac run over his fur, & eating walnuts. I took to him because he didn't mind the smell of my cigar. In his declining years, he was perhaps a little less affectionate, but still, the most patient dog I've ever known.

I never got him that male-symbol ID tag, but I think he had a little more class than that.

For those of you who knew him, I thought you'd like to know. For those of you who didn't, here are a few pictures of him in the studio.


Shana said...

He was a good dog and I'm glad I got to know the legend. I lift my leg for you, big guy!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about BB. I'll remember the many cigarette breaks we took together during the Nolan and Zografi sessions. He was a good ol' dog. My sincere condolences.

Anonymous said...

A very fitting tribute...we'll miss you BB...you were by far the coolest dog I ever met. I hope there is a dog heaven and that the angels have nothing to do but hand out milk bones to you.

Jerry Hager said...

Thanks guys. Before we pack up his stuff, let me know if any of you want to come over & go through is record albums or anything.

Joe Nolan said...

I still say, if you wanna record some great vocals, you need to have a big sweet dog laying on your feet.

Godspeed good buddy.